In my job there are some containers that I get to replant on a season basis. This Campania '
Pariolie Urn'
container is one of about 32 '
Pariolie Urns'
at our Westhaven Resident's Club that offers me lots of creative opportunity. For the next few days I'll have pictures of the different winter container plantings that I 've had an opportunity to try out - some sun, some shade.

The urns above host Camellia 'Winter Star', Lonicera 'Edmee Gold', Heuchera, and Vinca 'Illumination'. (The middle pot, by the way, has Cedrus Deodora, Nandina, and Carex grass.) The urn below holds Camellia, Nandina, one the great blue miniture junipers from
Iseli Nursery- possibly
Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star', and Ivy.

Both of these containers get morning sun and afternoon shade.
Labels: 365 Days of Container Gardening
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