MacGyver Gardening
Has anyone noticed that the notion of recycling/re-purposing is being marketed as a new, contemporary idea? I'm thinking that re-purposing was actually kindled back in the mid-80's with the TV drama "MacGyver". Angus MacGyver continually amazed me with his ability to catch international criminals with something like a ball of twine, an old bicycle wheel, and a ballpoint pen. The idea that I could utilize common items that are just lying around to deal with a pressing need left a deep impression on me.
That being said, when I decided last week to add another several hundred sq. ft. of raised beds to my vegetable garden with no extra cash for bordering material, I simply got in touch with my inner MacGyver.

The cement blocks were heavy but I was a woman on a mission.

Then I started on the granite.
Have you ever manhandled granite? No wonder they use this for gravestones - nobody's coming up out of the ground with a stone this heavy over their casket.

Hours later, back aching, I finish the bed as hubby drives up. He takes a look and remarks, "You building a crypt for your dead plants?"

There are a few times when it's good that I don't have a shovel in my hands....
(Just in case Billy Goodnick sees this and wants to put me in his "Crimes Against Horticulture" list, I'm not finished yet!! I'm sitting here thinking, "What would MacGyver do?" to make this more appealing. I guess I should consider that Halloween is right around the corner)
Labels: Vegetable Gardening
Wow, this is brilliant, Barbara, and my hat is off to you doing this all by yourself. Is that landscape fabric underneath the beds? What is your strategy for that?
Love your phrase, "Mausoleum in Waiting".
Hi Sarah! Thanks for stopping by the blog. I used this leftover landscaping cloth to help kill the grass (I'm a no-till gardener). I usually use newspaper to weed and grass block an area. Once beds are bordered and grass has died I will open up landscaping cloth inside the beds, cover with newspaper, and add soil and compost. When budget allows I'll cover the walkways with crushed stone or pinefines on top of the landscaping cloth. The whole garden bed will be surrounded in the front with blueberry bushes.
Brilliant Barbara!I love it when others reuse things! Great job!
Brilliant Barbara!I love it when others reuse things! Great job!
Wonder Woman, you are! I don't know how you mustered up the energy for this after the week we just had in Dallas!
I think it will look great when you're finished. If I'd been there, I would have smacked hubby FOR you. LOL.
I think you definitely need some skeleton hands and arms to stick into the soil after you fill the beds. Like it's rising form the earth! Those stones can be a pain to move - I've done plenty of that this year!
What a plan! This is just proof that gardening isn't 'exercise', it is 'trauma'. Your poor back! I can't wait to see it all planted.
Barbara, I rather like it! Also, that's back aching work~I would have to have a serious lie down in neutral position and rest for a day! gail
Barbara, that looks like a ton of work. Hang in there.
Nice job! And fun to read... Re-purposing is so smart and you did a great job of saying yes to your inner MacGyver.
Great job! And a lot of fun to read. Re-purposing certainly brings out the ingenuity in a gardener and you did a fab job of channeling your inner MacGyver.
How can they even say that recycling/repurposing is a contemporary idea? They are late getting with the program. We've been doing it for over 40 years now.
I like what you did for raised beds. Concrete blocks are heavy and will wear you out in no time, especially that many, and then you hauled granite too!!!
I look forward to seeing how this all comes together. I'm sure it will look great.
"What would MacGyver do?" -- Love it!
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