Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides' FERNSPRAY stands tall surrounded by Variegated False Holly. Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Variegatus', pansies, Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus' purple wintercreeper,Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Golden Charm', and a gorgeous concrete planter. So enjoy a few more winter containers!
"Gardening is not some sort of game by which one proves his superiority over others, nor is it a marketplace for the display of elegant things that others cannot afford. It is, on the contrary, a growing work of creation, endless in its changing elements. It is not a monument or an achievement, but a sort of traveling, a kind of pilgrimage you might say, often a bit grubby and sweaty though true pilgrims do not mind that. A garden is not a picture, but a language, which is of course the major art of life." Henry Mitchell "The Essential Earthman"
I work as the Floriculture Director for Landscape Services, Inc. My job includes designing and planting semi-annually hundreds of annual beds containers and garden beds for commercial development, neighborhoods, and residents requesting our horticulture services. I love my job and the opportunity to bring beauty to our local communities. Most of all, I love introducing new plant material to the average gardener, and to helping them find success in their own gardens.
Good ideas and very sophistic containers. I had never really thought about winter containers. I usually just hunker down and wait for the thaw.
Whoa, Nellie, just hang around me for a while and I'll get you winter container crazy! Thanks for stopping by the blog!
That Osmanthus is the cultivar 'Goshiki' - not 'Variegatus'. Beautiful container planting!
Thanks, Sarah! You are correct - the Variegatus has a more distinct white trim around the leaf and the goshiki looks more like splattered paint.
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