
Cultivating a Culture of Gardening™

Friday, May 16, 2014

All In A Day's Work

 Well, my job is to make other people's gardens look beautiful. But at night I get to take my garden and see what I can make it look like with photo editing.

 A different view of my peonies

On my front porch - red ivy geranium, euphorbia diamond frost, foxtail fern

 My day job is painting colors in the landscape -
 Angelonia Purple, Begonia Whopper Red, Sweet Potato Vine Dwarf Margarite, and Ornamental Peppers

Angelonia Cascading purple, Whopper Red Begonia, Rudbeckia Tiger Eyes, Verbena Bonariensis, Hibiscus Maple Sugar. 

I love this Marigold Solan 

So what did you do today?

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