A Year of Gardens - Day 4
One of the trends that I am seeing in new gardeners is a desire to grow something that has a purpose. They want to grow food rather than flowers, flowers that will be used to decorate their home or dried for art projects, or herbs for medicinal purposes.
A few days ago I received Gardening for the Homebrewer by Wendy Tweten and Debbie Teashon to review from Voyageur Press. My first thought as I flipped through it was, "How timely for the going trend in gardening." My second thought when I looked at the front of the book again was, "I'm glad I'm not having to introduce Tweten and Teashon after tasting a few of their home brews." I'd definitely make a mess of those two last names!
The book is very practical and written with good horticultural information. Each product to grow has it's own inset with growing information and how to use it in brewing.
My favorite part, though, was the "Talk ____ like a Pro" where they give tips on how to use the correct terminology when talking certain beverage brewing. There is also some historical or fun facts about the different beverages that make this a nice little book to have on the side table to peruse.
So if you want to start gardening with an end result of something more palliative, this book would be a great resource for you. And come hear Tweten and Teashon this February at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show!
Labels: Debbie Teashon, Gardening, home brewing, Northwest Flower and Garden Show 2016
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