Day 122 - A Place That Will Hold You Hosta-age

Last summer I had the WONDERFUL opportunity to visit the home of Kathy Guest Shadrack and Michael Shadrack who wrote "The Book of Little Hostas". Michael also co-wrote "The Color Encyclopedia of Hosta". Their woodland retreat was a Hosta haven but also a container gardener's dreamland. And there were Daylilies and Hydrangeas and Iris, "OH MY!" So enjoy this little walk through their garden and their world of containers that will hold you Hosta-age.

Labels: 365 Days of Container Gardening
Thank you so much for letting me remember that some day all the snow and now ice that we have in NY will one day be over. I look foward to trying Hosta's in containers! Thanks
That was a wonderful event. You cannot beat hostas, daylilies, fabulous friends, hosta experts - and tea and scones! Unforgettable.
I like the 4th photo of you all spreading over the garden like ants. There are some great ideas here. I once had a tall log with trailing plants and usually impatiens planted in it but then the termites encouraged me to burn it..
by-the-way, I clicked on your ad about gardening books whenever I visit. That should be good to get you a few cents. I just realized you had such an ad. There are good offerings there and I know how those click pennies can multiply. I get a thrill every time someone clicks.
Thanks so much for clicking through the bookstore!
Pat, wasn't that the most perfect day at the Shadracks?! Loved getting to know you on the bus ride there and back :).
Kathy, you New Yorkers have been slammed this winter. Tomorrow is retro Thursday so I'll try and find you a pot with lots of bright summer flowers.
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